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    Find data through Zdaly, perform custom analytics and sell on Zdaly’s Marketplace

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    Set your own price! Your IP. Your Revenue. Zdaly only takes 5% hosting fee

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    Increase your reach! Make your data accessible via API on any platform (Excel, R, Python, Matlab)

Requirements for selling data through Zdaly Marketplace


The data must have been exclusively analyzed, and contain proprietary analysis, expert views, or exclusive surveys that are not available in public.

Professional Grade

Data must be accurate, precise, and error free. The data should be contain high quality metadata that makes it easy to search through Zdaly search engine.

By the Experts

Must be from domain experts, or recognized companies. Zdaly requires credential of the individual or company publishing the data.


  • Why should I sell my data through Zdaly Marketplace?

    Zdaly Market place is a free resource to market your data product, and increase your customer base. When customers buy your data, 95% of the revenue generated through the sale is transferred to you. Zdaly only charges 5% commission for hosting.

  • How do I send my data to Zdaly Marketplace?

    You can send your data in the way most convenient to you. Common methods for hosting data through Zdaly are: via ftp, using our upload tools, or API.

  • What about IP protection for my data?

    Your data is 100% your Intellectual Property. Zdaly Marketplace is only a platform to increase your reach.

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